You are here: Email Service > The parts of an email

Advice about Email:

The headers of an email contain:
- a From-Address
- a MailFrom address
- a Return-Path address
- a Reply-To address
- the Received line of the email server that sent the email to you
- the Received line of the person who sent the email to that mail server
- and a SPF Line indicating whether an email originates from an authentic mail server (on advanced mail servers)

So if you're NOT a 1USA customer, when you receive an email that could be a fake, remember to check these Headers before responding.

Customers who use our Email service do not receive fake emails in their In-Box when there's a Mis-Match. 
There are a few steps in the process to verify the sender before letting the email into the In-Box. Doing so will eliminate 90% of unwanted email - aka Spam.

Since 2002, there is an RFC (specification) for DomainKeys (used by Yahoo and Gmail) and Sender-Policy-Framework (SPF) used by most companies & ISPs, including 1USA.Com

If you are NOT using our Email service and you receive emails from YOUR OWN EMAIL ACCOUNT or domain name that didn't originate from your authorized mail server, then your account/domain isn't protected by SPF.
(Contact 1USA.Com when you're ready to implement these protections on your company email server.)

Next:  How our Email server eliminates phishing and spam emails...

BarryZ national ISP service
West Lawn PA